Refreshingly innovative, reassuringly commercial
Delivering a winning growth and innovation strategy
Case study
“You have made us look at our category differently to how we have in the past and identified opportunities that are really exciting and new. The objective and outsider perspective that you have brought has helped us enormously.”
Inspiring a very ambitious team with an ambitious growth objective
Our client, a specialist rehydration brand, had enjoyed rapid growth over the last five years. The brand team had set itself the ambitious target to triple its growth over the next five years. They knew that they would need to branch out to new audiences and occasions. With many potential paths, the brand team needed inspiration and direction on the most fertile and lucrative growth opportunities that could inform their innovation strategy to deliver step-change growth.
Delivering a fresh perspective to the category
We began by understanding the brand history and the constraints we were operating under through a series of stakeholder interviews.
Using this context, we conducted a review of all their existing information and supplemented this with a piece of trends work that gave us a perspective on potential untapped opportunities. This led to us collaboratively creating a series of bold and strategic ‘opportunity space’ territories.
Using a SPRINT-inspired workshop process, a final growth strategy on a page that the business could unite behind was developed in collaboration with the client team.
Buy-in from senior management to support an innovation roadmap
Our emphasis on human-centricity was fundamental to this growth strategy being implemented. In addition to working closely with the core team, we presented the strategy to the Managing Director of the business to ensure his buy-in.
“This is fantastic work! Well done. I found the opportunities distinct, differentiated, meaningful and relevant.”
This has resulted in this work having senior level sponsorship and has led to the next stage which is an innovation phase to develop product and commercial innovations, in line with the new strategy.
Learn more about the Planning work we’ve done here.