Operational update
Remote working
We are a business that is set up for and used to remote working. We have a secure VPN connection and a number of platforms available for conferencing and collaboration. We have support from our parent company, Kin and Carta for security, compliance, IT, HR and wellbeing. We have a dedicated resourcing team to oversee workloads and project resourcing even in the event of sickness.
We have recently certified to ISO 27001:2013 covering incident management, business continuity, policies and procedures.
We will deliver all meetings, debriefs and workshops remotely via video conferencing.
Qualitative fieldwork
All online and telephone fieldwork will go ahead as planned. However, respondents will not be asked to take part in any pre tasks or exercises which involve leaving the house or socialising.
There will be no changes to recruitment methodologies – all recruitment is conducted via email or telephone.
Face-to-face fieldwork is cancelled until further notice. We are looking to move all face to face approaches to an online methodology.
Quantitative fieldwork
All online fieldwork is going ahead as planned and so far we have seen no impact to response rates.
Limited CATI interviewing can also still take place as our suppliers can run their dialler remotely, limiting disruption to fieldwork.
Face-to-face fieldwork is cancelled until further notice.
We are aware that Government advice is changing rapidly and we will continue to follow their guidance.