Celebrating runner up for Best Conference Paper at EphMRA
We are absolutely delighted to have received runner up for best paper at the EphMRA conference 2019 in collaboration with our client Celgene.
Our paper ‘Implicit insight into prescribing in relapsed and refractory Multiple Myeloma’, showcased the value of implicit response testing in gaining a deeper understanding of physician decision making and explored how implicit insights can assist marketing decisions in pharma.
Even more humbling for us was that each paper was rigorously evaluated by the Programme Committee using a strict set of criteria, including delivery of the presentation, the value provided to delegates and ratings provided by delegates on presentations they attended. It was simply a privilege to be able to share our work and knowledge with the best minds in the industry.
We’d like to give a special mention to M3 Global Research and NeuroStrata~CloudArmy for supporting our study and congratulate all the award winners!
See the full EphMRA conference 2019 JH Award winners here.