Best Companies to Work For 2019
As we celebrate our fourth year of being listed in the Top 100 Best Small Companies to work for it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the last year and even more to look forward to the next.
When we first entered Best Companies in 2014 it was to test our hypothesis that Incite was a truly great place to work and a good excuse for a celebration. With each subsequent year the reasons for entering have become less about validation and much more about deciding how we spend our time doing the right things to create the culture for us all to thrive both professionally and personally.

Understanding what is important to people is a very powerful driver in defining our priorities. Growth, opportunity and development remain high on the list of the reasons why people come to work every day at Incite, as well as making a valuable contribution to our success whether that is in their contribution to the running of the business or in the work they do for our clients.

But the standout reason we all work at Incite – our colleagues. They are brilliant, smart, fun, inspiring, collaborative and downright lovely people without exception and that’s what makes Incite one of the Best Companies to work for. I’m not saying my job as HR Director is easy – after all we still need to continue to hire these amazing people, but it’s a pretty solid foundation on which to build our success story.

What’s next at Incite? More opportunities for growth and development as we embark on a more connected way of working with our sister companies at Kin+Carta, building new networks which are creating opportunities to be exposed to new technology, new markets and new clients; more self-reflection and action as we kick off a coaching programme for our Principals; a continued commitment to employee wellbeing with a focus on mental health; and of course, time to celebrate our score this year – 59th in the 100 Best Small Companies to Work for, and 20th in London.
Read more about working at Incite here and please do get in touch if you’d like to hear more.